Is Mobile Changing the Way that We Create Websites?

Studies have shown time and time again that nearly half of internet visits come from a mobile device. This number is going to increase as time goes on. When you look at the fact that the internet is still a relatively new concept for mobile users, it’s amazing to see how fast things have grown and how popular it is now.
Harnessing Simplicity
Mobile websites are designed to be clean. They are also designed to be quick, and a lot of the fluffy excess removed. When you do this, you are left with the basic elements and pages you need. Studies have found that most users that access the internet need information to be available in just a few seconds. If you list your business offerings in a simple layout, then you will soon find that you can give your users the information they need in an easy to digest format.
If you take a look at the casino industry, you’ll soon see that casino site developers have really embraced the mobile movement. Casino operators are a prime example of how mobile responsive sites can make things easier for visitors and users. If you look at sites such as casino NetBet to mention just one of the thousands of sites available worldwide, you will soon realise that the games are set out differently on a desktop format when compared to a mobile format. They are easier to process visually and there’s way less screen clutter. This alone helps visitors have the experience they want when on the go.
Faster Loading Times
Mobile sites are notoriously faster at loading when compared to desktops. A lot of this has to do with the simplicity of the overall site. If you have a mobile-friendly site then you may find that you have a way lower bounce rate and that you have way more visitors too. This will increase the amount of time people spend on your site and it will also help you to take advantage of more sales. If you force people to use your desktop version when accessing your site, then this will make it harder for people to navigate and you may even find that the loading time is significantly higher, purely because a phone is not able to process the same amount of data as a laptop is in a short time frame.
Brighter Designs
Phone screens are way smaller when compared to laptop screens. If you have a very dark site, then you may be putting off people who are coming from a mobile device. The text may be harder to read, and you may even find that it is harder for people to visually distinguish your website tabs. On top of this, text appears visually smaller on a phone. If you have a mobile-responsive site, then having a design that is clean and pure is vital. Bright colours work better, and you also need to make sure that the font is slightly bigger too. Things like this are changing the way that sites are made for desktop too, which is interesting to say the least.